Aga Tamiola is a multidisciplinary artist based in Berlin. Her geographical and linguistic misplacement led her to focus on the aspects of loss, identity and belonging in the context of social relations and new technologies. Her paintings, prints and sculptures look beyond the surface of established cultural constellations to cast a light on the unseen and find new ways of interpreting the everyday.
The environments and installations Aga creates poke at, and sometimes break, the uncomfortable silences attached to the abuse of power that can take place within family or society. She is also interested in the healing power of art, in using tools and materials to mend, rebuild and restructure identities in the wake of loss and displacement.
MA Art and Science, 2011 – 2013, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK
MA (Hons) Applied Linguistics, 2003 – 2006, University of Warsaw, Poland
BA English Philology, 1999 – 2002, University of Szczecin, Poland
Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 2000 – 2001, Guest Student, ERASMUS Programme, University of Greifswald, Germany
[2022] 'Reclaiming & Making: Art, Desire, Violence' – Museum of Sex, New York
[2019] 'artspring' – Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek, Berlin
HEIMWEH FERNWEH – Open Studio, Berlin
[2017] 'Hidden Scars' – Darnley Gallery, London
'Hoffnung' – Haus am See, Familien-und Stadtteilzentrum, Berlin
[2016] 'Hoffnung' – Leselust, Buchhandlung Gallery, Berlin
[2015] 'ALL2015 – Art Language Location', English Faculty Library, University of Cambridge
'A Story Within and Beyond' – Intermedia Workshop, University of Texas, Austin
'AXIS MUNDI' – FELLINI Gallery, Berlin
'Traditions Run Deeper Than Law' – Red Gallery, London
[2014] 'Bureau of Memories: Archives and Ephemera' – Ethnographic Terminalia 2014, Hierarchy Gallery, Washington, D.C.
'The BRAIN' – New York Hall of Science, New York City
'Scale Factor' – LFTT Library, The Guesthouse Project, Cork
'Summer Members Exhibition' – London Printmaking Studio, London
'Little Experiment' – Polish Social and Cultural Association, London
[2013] ‘Degree Show One’ – Central Saint Martins, London
'The Print Making Show' – The Concourse Gallery, Central Saint Martins, London
'The Oblivion' – Printworks Gallery, Shoreditch, London
‘Encounters Between Art + Science’ – British Library, London
[2012] 'Fine Art Auction' – Lethaby Gallery, Central Saint Martins, London
'Lost' – Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamstead
'Nervous Encounter' – Old Fire Station Gallery, Oxford
‘Art + Science: Think Twice’ – Biscuit Factory, London
‘Experiments, Interim Exhibition’– The Concourse Gallery, Central Saint Martins, London
[2011] 'Fine Art Exhibition' – City Lit Gallery, London
[2016] SIN e.V. Notunterkunft (Emergency Refugee Centre), July – December, Berlin
[2014] The Guesthouse Project, Artist in Residence, May, Cork
[2013] Nomad Lab, Artist in Residence, Jan – June, Central Saint Martins, London
[2014] MORE THAN PROFIT: TRY IT, HE Social Entrepreneurship Award, UnLtd & University of the Arts London
Honourable Mention for the Originality of Display 'The Little Experiment', POSK, London
[2013] 'Art Writing: Glass Skills – Exploring the Fusion of Art and Technique' a-n Bursary Recipient, Sunderland
‘Go and See: Art Party’ a-n Bursary Recipients, Scarborough
[2012] Shortlisted for Royal Free Hospital Art Commission, London
Workshops, Symposia and Talks
[2018] The importance of Teaching Art to Refugee Students’ Well-being, Artist’s Talk, CIEE - Council of International Educational Exchange, Berlin, Germany
[2017] Bücher.leben, KUNST, LITERATUR, PERFORMANCE, Gerberei Museum, Enger, Germany
[2016] Concept and Ideas Development, Artist’s Talk, Refugee Class for Professionals in Arts and Design, Universität der Kunste, Berlin, Germany
[2015] Civic Matter: Infrastructure in Sense and Resonance, Artist’s Talk & Silent Walk, CRASSH: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, UK
[2014] Spirituality, Culture, Myth, Art and Nature, UNESCO UK MAB (Man and the Biosphere) Urban Forum, Sandwell, UK
IRON-R 2 Cast Iron, National Sculpture Factory, April, Cork, Ireland
Sound Thought 2014 – Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, UK
[2013] Sounding Space – BE Open Foundation, Sound Portal, London, UK
State of Matter: Collisions and Connections between Art and Science – Central Saint Martins, London, UK
Making Knowledge: Across Art, Science and Technology – Nomad Lab Research Debate, Central Saint Martins, London, UK
[2012] Expanding Fields, Collaboration Workshop, November, AIR, UAL, London, UK
Digital Futures, October, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Random Order Collective - Sound Art
[2015] 'The Death Star Trilogy' – Secret Cinema, Secret Location, London
'Noise Pollution Talk & Silent Walk' – Civic Matter: Infrastructure in Sense and Resonance, CRASSH: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge
[2014] 'PsychollageXXi', USAP (Urban Solar Audio Plant) – C60/COLLABORATORIUM, Berlin
‘Sonic Vigil 8; out in the field' – A Festival of Improvised Music, Sound Art and Performance, Cork
‘ event’ – The Tin Tabernacle, London
‘Sound Thought 2014’ – Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
[2013] ‘What Does the Internet Sound Like?’ – STRESS FM, Lisboa
‘Noise & Whispers’ – GV Art Gallery, London
‘Sound and Sea – Jazz and Experimental Music from Poland’ - Royal Pavilion, Southend-on-Sea
‘BE OPEN Sound Portal’ – Chelsea School of Art, Hopkins Parade Ground, London
‘Nomad Lab Play Black Maria’ – The Crossing, Kings Cross, London
Emergency Kit for Neuroskeptics - Audio-Visual Performance/ Participatory Art
[2015] 'ALL2015 - Art Language Location', English Faculty Library, University of Cambridge, UK
Translation Tour in Collaboration with the LFTT Library
27 June: Language Confusion Clinic (group session) – The Room, Turin, Italy
26 June: Art & Nature Performance – Great St. Bernard Pass, Swiss Alps
25 June: Spoken Word Performance – Rothenburg City Walls, Germany
24 June: Spoken Word Intervention – Technische Sammlungen, Dresden, Germany
22 June: Intervention & Performance – Art Academy Dresden, Germany
19-21 June: Performance & Language Confusion Clinic (group session) – Schloss Wartin Summer Salon, Brandenburg, Germany
[2014] Emergency Kit for Neuroskeptics – The Guest House Project, Cork
The Endangered Archives Programme, British Library, London, UK
Art & Science Collaborations, NYC, USA
Private collections in the UK, USA and Poland