In order to develop the installation "An Emerging View" Aga made a series of 2D works researching different aspects of the lab itself and the Basal Ganglia brain region, as the unit was focusing on Parkinson disease. "Incremental Steps" is a mixed-media series in which she used screenprint, drawing, and writing to provide an insight into the team aspect of a scientific discovery.
In 2012 Aga collaborated with neuroscientists from the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit at the University of Oxford. The project culminated in a multi-media interdisciplinary exhibition called A Nervous Encounter at The Old Fire Station in Oxford.
The most immediate facet of the Lab that Aga tried to capture in her installation "An Emerging View" was the collaborative nature of many breakthrough discoveries. The glass slides in her artwork are a scaled up response to the ones used in the neuropharmacology lab. Their arrangement shows the essence of the interconnectedness of many research projects. The slides are put together as a transparent object that invites being looked at from different angles, thereby invoking the importance of looking ‘outside the box’ in research. The regular gaps between the slides symbolise a scientific way of looking at things e.g. systematic, repetitive, but also open minded, thereby leaving the potential to spark new research.
An Emerging View
Exhibition View, 2012
Screenprint on glass
13.5 × 42 × 30 cm
Photo: Agnieszka Swiejkowska